#008 Rise of the Empathy Machines: Do You See What (A)I See?
ALT/KINO travels to Glasgow Short Film Festival to present a programme of experimental films exploring how A.I. see, comprehend, interact with, and remake the world.
Featured writers
Ben Nicholson
Patrick Gamble
Sophia Satchell-Baeza
Ruairí McCann
Featured artists
Jacqueline Lentzou
Ben Rivers
John Smith
Anocha Suwichakornpong
ALT/KINO travels to Glasgow Short Film Festival to present a programme of experimental films exploring how A.I. see, comprehend, interact with, and remake the world.
ALT/KINO travels to Glasgow Short Film Festival to present a programme of experimental films made with algorithms, machine learning, and A.I.
ALT/KINO presents a programme of experimental films made with algorithms, machine learning, and A.I.
ALT/KINO presents three 16mm films by the Berlin-based artist duo OJOBOCA at the Institute of Contemporary Arts.
To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the suppression of the Paris Commune, ALT/KINO presents the 220m theatrical version of Peter Watkins extraordinary, and oft-overlooked, television work La Commune (Paris, 1871).
ALT/KINO presents six films that adopt experimental forms to reckon with spaces with traumatic pasts.
Potamkin is a film-biography assembled out of distorted fragments of films on which critic Harry Potamkin had written: an impression of erupting consciousness.
TERROR NULLIUS is a political revenge fable which offers an unwriting of Australian national mythologies
TERROR NULLIUS is a political revenge fable which offers an unwriting of Australian national mythologies
“As a major storm strikes Texas in September 1900, a new and mysterious televisual device is built and tested…”